What is a cataract?

A cataract is a cloudiness or opacity in the normally transparent lens of the eye. This is a natural ageing process that occurs in all eyes usually over the age of 60 years. Sometimes a cataract can form at a younger age, and this is usually associated with other conditions such as diabetes, inflammation in the eye, steroid use or trauma to the eye.

What are the symptoms of cataract?

Cataracts cause a reduction in:

  • Quality of vision

  • Distance and reading vision

  • Colour appreciation

  • Night vision

These changes may interfere with many of your activities, such as watching television, driving, using a computer, mobile phone or walking across the road.

The decision on when to perform cataract surgery is usually based on the severity of the cataract and how much it is interfering with your vision and daily life. Mr Agrawal will provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Learn more about cataract surgery